السلام عليكم. Selamat datang ke blog kelas 5 UIAM. watching our television

Blessing of Ramadhan

Ramadhan is a month of fasting for Muslims. Do you still remember the du'a? :)

Du'a for the whole month :
Du'a for everyday :

This year is quite tough for us as we are having our trial on Ramadhan. However, the bless and the advantages that we'll get is countless. It is said that our du'a we'll be listened and fulfilled- Insyaallah. So, make sure you always recite your du'a, the Holy Quran and go through this Ramadhan like the last Ramadhan in your life.  

Listen with your heart.. :)

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Trial SPM is just around the corner!

Do you realise that we going to sit for our trial in about a week??
If your answer is NO, please..wake up! Get up from your comfort bed and grab some book to read. We also have a mountain of homework to be done. Luckily we have one more day off which is Monday due to the first of Ramadhan.

-homework of the week-  >,<

Good Luck! :)

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Our blog! :)

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera.. :)
Hari ini merupakan hari pertama blog ini mula digunakan. Penggerak kepada penghasilan blog ini adalah bersempena Minggu Pusat Sumber Sekolah bagi Sekolah Menengah Taman Tuanku Jaafar serta galakan daripada Tuan Pengetua kami iaitu Tuan Omar bin Ahmad. Bagi warga tingkatan 5UIAM, blog ini diharapkan sedikit sebanyak dapat menjadi wadah perkongsian ilmu atau medium perantaraan antara warga 5UIAM,para pelajar serta guru-guru Sekolah Menengah Taman Tuanku Jaafar dan lain-lain.


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